April 2023

May 2019
An additional 5 paintings have been added to the Landscape Gallery: Arctic Dawn, The Kingdom of Nanuk, Distant Frozen Giants, Pause at Sunset and Walruses Study.
I’m in Italy later this summer and will be having an exhibition of my work July 13 to 25: “ARCTIC VISION – Ice, Animals, Inuit and Nature in Art“, where these new paintings will be on display and for sale.
Details on the exhibition can be found here:
Thank you and enjoy the FlorenzArt website!
Lorenzo Fracchetti

December 2018
This year marked my celebration of 50 Years as an Arctic Artist, having been in this beautiful and fulfilling profession since 1968!
As the year comes to a close, I look back at what was certainly one of my most productive. The creation of 24 paintings of which 8 were large including the biggest so far at 36 x 72 inches: “Arctic World 2018”, seen here and just added to the Landscape Gallery along with others. An edition of 50 Limited Prints of this work will be available.
Best of the season to you and enjoy the site!
Lorenzo Fracchetti

March 2017
I am most pleased to welcome you to my new Virtual Gallery and share with you my passion for the Arctic landscape and its inhabitants.
Comments are appreciated and may be directed to me throught the Contact page.
Thank you and enjoy the site!
Lorenzo Fracchetti